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EUI & cove.tool Integration

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EUI & cove.tool Integration

December 8, 2021
47 minutes

Factor in your project’s future energy use when iterating on designs for your site. Get Energy Use Intensity or EUI analyzed automatically within TestFit thanks to our integration with cove.tool. You'll learn how to:

  • Use EUI, Energy Use Intensity, as a useful metric to compare performance of buildings across a company's portfolio.
  • Understand the cost implications of operational energy of the proposed building. Prepare your properties and deals against rising energy costs & demands from the feasibility phase.
  • Export core quantities such as wall square footage, glazing area, directionality of walls and cove-tool for further analysis on operational carbon (kgCO2e emissions), embodied carbon (a1-a3, aka cradle-to-gate), and much more.

EUI can help reduce the lifetime cost of a building, and is becoming a mandatory energy consumption metric for some building types. Prepare your properties and deals against rising energy costs & demands from the feasibility phase.

Nat MacDonald
Nat MacDonald
Director of Configurators

With 9 years of experience as a licensed mechanical engineer, Nat MacDonald brings his skills in engineering and technology to TestFit as a Product Manager. Nat talks with customers regularly to design product procedures and algorithms that help architects and developers build at scale. He has been a speaker at various tech and AEC conferences including BILT, ASHRAE, and Autodesk University. Outside of work, you can find him tweeting with the AEC tech community or mountain biking in Portland, Maine.

Marco Aquiire
Marco Aquiire
Director of Research

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